Five Favorite Tech Titles on the Big and Small Screen
One of the enjoyable activities to do with another human is to watch a movie, a story visualized on screen, whether thats on a ginormous screen or on your phone. Let's go beyond texting an emoji and experience those human emotions by watching some good stories told.
Feed Your Inner Entrepreneur: Five Favorite Podcasts
This past year, new podcasts have exploded where there's an onslaught of new shows topping the iTunes list...
Feed Your Inner Entrepreneur: Five Favorite Books
Summer's slowly transforming itself to fall and one of my favorite pastimes is to read as much as I can. The types of books I enjoy reading sometimes vary - from business and leadership to inspiration and fiction.
Five Techie Activities to Enjoy with Your Player Two
Love is in the air (waves). There's a holiday for it and I am thankful for this Valentines Day. The cynical side of me will not win.
Served Up Some Internet Search Results? Ask Again.
Remember those beautiful webpages (insert sarcasm here)? If you don't remember, then travel back in time by going to the Wayback Machine.
Story Spark's Top 5 Inspirational Podcasts
1.0 Love/Hate Tech
Do you have mixed feelings about today's technology? I certainly do. One part of me loves it, while another part of me – not so much.