Know someone who is graduating this year from high school, college or grad school? We've put together some gift ideas just for the occasion. As your grad says goodbye to the world of education and prepares to enter a new life chapter, help her or him celebrate their achievement by giving something useful and thoughtful in this technical age. Note: none of the products mentioned below are sponsors or affiliated with Story Spark - we just think they're cool and helpful!
#1. Away Travel’s Carry On
If endless travelling is part of the graduate’s field, you might want to give them Away Travel’s Carry On which is designed to take pressure by bending but never breaking. Additionally, it is also equipped with various compartments, 360 degree rolling wheels and, best of all, an ejectable battery that can be used for charging phones. It is a smart way to travel!
#2. Backup Plus Ultra Touch Drive
Majority of the times, our digital data adds up to be more than the storage capacity of laptops and computers. Thus, an ultra slim, stylish, portable and high capacity hard drive is exactly what is needed. Seagate’s Backup Plus is not only a convenient solution but a safe one as well, since it has password protection.
#3. Decision Paperweight
Use this Decision Paperweight to help make tough, overwhelming decisions. It relieves the pressure of the day to day life by adding a humorous element to decision making!
#4. Sound Activated Light Blocks
Enable creativity and imagination through sound-activated light blocks. Whether it’s a character, geometrical shape or disjointed pieces, these light blocks are a fun addition to a person’s life. Plus, the fact that they are sound-activated is certainly an enlightening feature!
#5. Stack 4 US AC Outlet
The Stack US AS Outlet by OneAdaptr is one of the most tech savvy creations. It comes with a built-in power switch and a circuit breaker to protect items from voltage fluctuation. Furthermore, it's modular so that you can connect different types of sockets for flexibility and extensibility.
#6. ARiNA Bluetooth Speaker
This Bluetooth speaker is multipurpose. It’s a stereo speaker that relays the depth in every music note and merges with the décor of one's living space. You can use it as a wall hanging, centre piece or even for storing your keys. Additionally, the inbuilt charger and microphone makes it one worthy investment.
#7. Nutrition Fact’s Food Scale
Get your graduate a Nutrition Fact’s food scale that will help them eat and become healthier. It can effectively determine portion size and the number of healthy calories. It also stores data which can help one measure their progress.
#8. Bindle Bottle
Bindle Bottle is one of the most efficient products on this list. The one core benefit it gives is that it ensures convenience. The vacuum sealed bottle ensures that your drink remains cold or hot. The storage compartment is large enough to keep your keys, wallet, headphones and such. You will only have to worry about taking care on one thing rather than many.
#9. Origami Money Graduation Caps
If you want to give a graduate some cold hard cash, one memorable way to do it is through origami money graduation caps. It’s unique and fun way through which something simple is transformed into something creative. Check out Sugar & Charm on how to make one of these real money hat!
#10. Greetabl

Greetabl is a cute box that allows you to add a small gift and personalize the box through the use of photos and a message. You can let your loved one know how proud you are of their achievement all the while giving them a personalized memory box they can view time and time again.
Whether you like it or not, your grad has grown up! We hope there's something here that can help to let them know that you are thinking of them no matter close or far away they are. Also be sure to check out our previous list of 10 Techie Gift Ideas for Grads or even browse our original tech-inspired graphic tees and art prints as a unique gift option for your upcoming grad!