In a series of posts tagged as "Favorite Finds", we want to share with you some of our favorite hangouts and experiences–proof that we do get out from behind our screens. (¬‿¬)

Detour Bistro Bar

Detour Bistro Bar Inside Wall

When I'm on the westside of LA, I often have to figure out which of the many lunch options that are worthwhile to check out. I can't stand crowded venues or overpaying for a simple bite. Of course there is always the food court at the mall for something quick, but there are other spots that have quality food, court yard prices and without the hectic crowds. The Detour Bistro Bar is just one of those places worthwhile to check out. I happened to stop by one day and was pleasantly satisfied. The open indoor area allowed me to enjoy a delicious Cubano sandwich in an airy and comfortable setting. After the hustle and bustle of the noontime rush, this simple lunch easily brought me a smile at the end.


Water at the Detour Bistro Bar

Detour Bistro Bar: Cubano Sandwich


The Detour Bistro Bar
12473 W Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA 90066

Mon - Thurs: 11am - 11pm
Fri: 11am - 1am
Sat: 8:30am - 1am
Sun: 8:30am - 11pm

Sun Kim
Tagged: Favorite Finds