Mind blown. 🤯 My tiny human mind is blown away after listening to this podcast episode about our brand, STORY SPARK. What’s the big deal? This episode is COMPLETELY hosted, conversed by two robots from Google Labs NotebookLM. It’s two "humans" that sound very realistically like people – one male and one female - talking about all aspects of our brand. No prompts entered by me. No descriptions entered by me. My only input was our URL. Wait about 15 minutes and on your Notebook homepage, there is a distilled summary of whatever you entered (in this case, storyspark.com) and then on the UI appears an option to generate a podcast. Just like that...e-a-s-y as pushing a button… and then voila – a high-quality “podcast” is produced. No worrying about a budget, about finding a space to record, hiring a cool host, buying a mic, figuring out the volume, or worrying about editing or writing the content or even an outline of a content. 

And boy did it generate a generous “deep dive” into our brand better than we could ever describe what and why we created STORY SPARK. 


AI-generated podcast episode about STORY SPARK


What was the output? A dream podcast! I found my heart thumping listening when the female hosts says “this is refreshing” and how “in a world where everything feels so curated and filtered, it’s nice to find a brand that is genuinely passionate about what they do”... wow, really AI connected those dots together?

This may be sound like a fortune cookie statement, but somehow for a moment, I felt special.

This conversation is mind-bending because it makes me want to believe that an actual real-life human would rave about our work and our brand for 13 minutes straight. It makes me believe that being recognized publicly is exciting and that it matters that someone took the time to think about our purpose and share it with the world. It makes me want to believe that it doesn’t take much outreach for media or an influencer to take note. It makes me want our brand to be … famous. There I said it. When the sexy voices of tech say your brand is incredible and raves about it, your big dream only gets bigger.

There is no mistake that we do believe in ourselves and that you believe in us. You have encouraged us with your stories, your words and continous support which is why we keep going to every event possible and create the designs we do. YOU fellow human is who we enjoy designing for and will continue to do so. It is to celebrate our human connection and to find that in itself is mind-blowing.

Listen to the podcast episode on the STORY SPARK YouTube channel.

(this is all written by me without any Chat-GPT edits lol)


Sun Kim
Tagged: News Perspective